Friday, September 01, 2006

Would you like a sweet for London???

IM HERE!!! OH my gosh it is amazing! I am so lucky to be here. Well this is how it started.... I met up with my three buddies at the airport (Drew, Dan, and Hayley) we flew through security and were quickly on our way. The flight itself took 9 and a half hours, but we were in the plane for a good 11. Virgin Air is pretty cool. Everyone has their own individual TV complete with movies, tv shows, and music. The food wasn't bad either! Customs only took about 15 minutes and then we got our luggage and went to the train. The four of us were complete Americans smiling like giddy idiots, but we didn't care. The first thing I noticed was the extreme quiet. Life seems to be busy, but it's not the same kind of "busy" as the US. No one walks and talks on their cell phone. Rather, people actually walk and chit chat with others observing the beauty around them. Quite refreshing if you ask me!! In the few hours I've been here I have fallen in love with the city. It is absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to visit every little corner. My flat is beautiful. I live on the top floor (Flat 22 to be exact - 9 flights of stairs!!). That will keep me in shape :) Anyway, Hayles, Drew, Dan and I just finished a little box dinner. I didn't know pickles were brown here - quite possibly may have food poisoning in a few minutes. OH WELL. I'm in London who cares! Off to find our local little pub where we can CHEERS our first night in this big city!

PS. the title comes from our cute little flight attendant. She said to me "would you like a sweet for London" and I thought it was pretty cute. LOVE THE ACCENTS!

PPS. I can't find my camera cord so I'll add pictures later.

more to come... bye from the UK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful ... can't wait for the some pix! xoxoxo
p.s. let's keep the "pubs" to a minimum!! love you xoxoxox