Friday, September 15, 2006


hmmmm.... Kailey and I decided to make friends
with these Romanian girls. We had a nice little dance party together

Another BEAUTIFUL dance party
Hayley Owen (she went to Mayfield), Britty and Kails

Hayley and her Jacques Chirac - some Frenchy

Hellloooooo Piccadilly Square

End of the night . . . Thank you Tiger Tiger good times

Who wants to come to Tiger Tiger with us? Lets go! Okay great! Thanks again everyone for all the comments. I love waking up to them. They are the highlight of my day!!! Keep it coming :)
Cheers from London!!


Anonymous said...

love love love these pictures


lmg said...

Nice boob grab. Keep it clean, keep it clean! Ha-ha, just kidding!!!

Katie said...

woooooooops! oh well Kailey had a few boob grabs last night. i think it's a european thing. hmmm okay okay bye

Anonymous said...

Too much fun...always. Love you all!

<3 Britty

Anonymous said...

you wrote this blog at 4a.m. what great pictures, I also loved the boob grab. betwen you and Lori I'm getting nothing done around here. But it sure makes my day, i don't even check my own e-mail first.kisses to you

Anonymous said...

It looks like you are having so much fun, you may never come home. Todd says there is always a job in Therapak London! We love liviing vicariously through you and your other SCU friends...Wow! Allthe Gates miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

It looks like you are having so much fun. Mr. Frenchie is Mc Foxy. You go girls!!!!!!!!!

Miss you,