Saturday, September 09, 2006

Absolute madness

So.... Kailey, Hayles and I went with a rather large group of people to the Absolute Ice Bar in London last night. We got there late so it was a bit of a let down, but at least we get to check it off our list of things we've done. When you walk in they immediately throw a huge cape on you with big gloves attached on the sides. You choose you're little drink (I went for Snice Time) and then you have a walk around the place. It's pretty damn cold in there, but you only get to stay for 45 minutes. I think we were there for about 15. After that we kind of booked it out of there to catch up with our flat mates. They're like family now and for the most part we're always together. I think Hayles and I took the tube about 5 times yesterday. Thank God for the Oyster card (a.k.a. free transportation). We went back into London with the rest of the crew and ended up at some little club which continued to generate 8th grade dance music all night long. I can't even begin to tell you how bad my feet hurt. I hate heels. I don't think I'm going to walk at all today! Anyway, I'm a little homesick today. I miss you all very much! Thanks again for all the comments and emails!! I LOVE THEM! xoxoxox hugs and kisses


Anonymous said...

i want to freeze my feet off at the ice bar

Anonymous said...

oh that was me hayles who wrote the comment! i had to be anonymous to post a comment- xoxo

Katie said...

thats why i wore sandals hayles ... it felt sooooooo goooood! man lets ice like mad. this sucks. good job not walking today :) :)

Anonymous said...

aunt lindy's 60th was a smashing success! everyone is thrilled to be traveling along with you on the blog! xoxoxoox

Anonymous said...

Katie, love keeping in touch with the blog. Aunt Laurie and I look each day to check what the beverage for the evening was. We tried to keep up, but passed out.

Miss you and love you,

Uncle Roger

Anonymous said...

How funny is Roger. Katie do you have to wear heels all the time. I want to go to the ice bar. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Uncle Roger ... rein in your neice!xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

oops, no spell check, i meant
niece! xoxoxo