Friday, September 22, 2006

Top of the Morning to You!


Hence the getup! It’s raining its pouring the old man is not snoring. No snoring is allowed due to this lovely rain because it bangs against the darn window and keeps you awake all night! Unlessssss you think ahead (like I did) and take some Tylenol PM to ensure an entire nights sleep free of random wake ups. Anyway, I don’t know what to do with myself today. Do I walk in the rain and go about my regular routine? Or sit inside and get cabin fever like Hayley who has already burnt two English muffins this morning and is now jumping in the kitchen and doing her usual Friday night routine. Hmmmmm. Okay I think I’m giggly already I don’t know why. This is silly especially because it’s 11:40 in the afternoon and all of you are sleeping. I’m going to stop rambling. Okay okay great. Love love


Anonymous said...

Cute outfit, sweetie! I would go for exploring in the rain! Be careful, I love you xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

OK; so I think I'm finally figuring out how to send acomment. I'm not too swift on the computer! Is today your birthday??? And, if it is, are you 21??? Happy B-Day Katie!!!!!!! I love reading all your news. Sounds like you're having a blast. Love, Aunt Laurie