Friday, September 22, 2006

The CA Girls Day in the Rain

Look at me #3 of the day! This may constitute that I am a rather large nerd or that I’m just trying to make up for my week of absence. Anyway, Hayles and I decided to throw on a jacket, pick up an umbrella and head out in the rain. We went to Covent Gardens and found the best shoe store ever! It’s called “Dune” and the shoes are reasonable, comfy, and very hip. I think Hayles and I will be going back very soon. We had a nice little stroll and then jumped back on the tube to go home. The tube was PACKED beyond belief. Don’t get me wrong I love London, but I’m not going to miss the smelly people when I come home! Today was the first time I was actually a little scared while riding the train. It just stopped for like 2 minutes (longest 120 seconds ever) and everyone panicked a little. I was so happy when it started up again and we made it safely to South Ken. Anyway, the rain has stopped! Blue skies! I think we’ll all start to enjoy our Friday pretty soon. I’ll be back with an update later! Happy weekend all!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, don't tell me about the train ... i will never get on it! love you, be safe xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

remember i wear the same size, always up for cool shoes. Ginny