Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tiger Tiger rawwrrrr

Beautiful Night! Cheers!!

Quite cute and they bought us two bottles of champagne!

Joe, Kailey, Britt, Drew, & Katie

The Girls on the Tube

Very Appropriate

Celeeeeeebrateeee Good Times Come on!

In celebration of Britt's bday we made a huge dinner for the nine of us and then went out to a swanky club in London. Tiger Tiger was the name and it was fabulous! Everyone was dressed to impress and I don't think we could have had a better time. It was a very very late night. We didn't climb the 91 stairs until about 3:30am and let me tell you the 8:15am alarm was not the nicest wake up call in the world. Oh well, the first week of class is finished and I have a four day weekend ahead of me! Wooohooo! Happy Thursday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Katie, where is the library? xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

You are going to come home with very expensive drinking taste. I will be sure to have something very nice in the fridge for you. What cute guys. Hope this was the early class with the cute teacher, then it is worth the early wake up. Have a great weekend.. XO

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie - I love reading your blog. I wish I was young again. I wish I was there with you. Have a drink for me. Study too!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you too!!!!!!! Love, Grammie