Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stuppppid American

So two pence does not equal two pounds . . . nope nope not at all. And if you make this mistake in a long line at Starbucks you are sure to have the man behind the register yell "stuppppppid American" at you. At which point my face turned incredibly red and I just wanted to go hide in the corner. HOWEVER I quickly recovered and apologized profusely (even though the English don't really apologize for anything – another wonderful sign of being a tourist) grabbed my very very hot coffee and ran the heck out of there.

School started today – all 11 ½ hours of it. My first class was amazing. It was basically like play time for about 3 hours. We made maps, played “name that song,” and our teacher gave us candy! What could be better??? HMM one thing . . . Matthew (our teacher) looks exactly like Alex on Grey’s Anatomy and has an Australian accent. Yes, that makes getting up early so much easier! ;)

Second class started at 1 and I was asleep in my chair at 2. Shoot. We were supposed to be reading and I fell asleep and woke up to him looking straight at me AHH. But then he gave us a little break to throw water on our face and wake up. Nice guy. Easy class. Sweeeet. I’ll see him tomorrow at 8:30 – hopefully wide awake.

Last class was delightful! It was like regressing to childhood and listening to a story for 3 hours. We had a nice little review of the English Reformation with full animation, giggles, and fun. We get to go on two field trips to Westminster Abby and the Tower of London. Professor O’Keefe is so smart and very in tune to his students. He even moved class to 9 in the morning instead of 8:30. So basically I am in love with him already.

Hayles and I tried our first fish and chips tonight and it wasn’t very impressive. I think I’ll pass on that from now on.

Okay… today was a long day I think I’m going to take some PM and go to sleep. Another big day tomorrow – 3 ½ hour class and Britt’s Birthday!!!! YYYAAAYYYY

PS. AL and MEGS I’m so happy you are finally in Florence!!! Can’t wait to see you XOXOXOX


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we got to chat this afternoon ... Classes sound great, get some sleep! Love you so much xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we got to chat this afternoon ... Classes sound great, get some sleep! Love you so much xoxo

Anonymous said...

How did that happen?????

Anonymous said...

Katie, your classes sound great. Glad u have a cute teacher to look at for one of your classes, that always helps. Keep the updates coming.. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie - Well, it is so good to get back to your blogg. Your life sounds so exciting!! It seems like a lot of partying. Don't let school get in your way- ha ha!!Had fun down in La Jolla. Got my old skin a little tan. It always makes me feel good. Get some rest and I will look forward to what comes next.......xoxo