Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday Morning with the Girls

Does this look familiar? It's the bookstore in the movie "Notting Hill"!!! Yay
I saw a little kids book in the window titled "Katie in London" and went in to buy it pronto!
I couldn't help myself! And then I saw Madeline in London . . . bought that one too :)

Girls infront of the Travel Bookshop

We had a fantastic breakfast at Mike's Cafe. I found it fitting to take a picture of Kails because her boyfriend's name is Mike. Yay. Hands down the best meal I've had in the past two weeks.

Welcome to the absolute chaos of Portobello Street’s Saturday market. The four of us got up early this morning to take an adventure to Notting Hill. It was really fun. Beautiful jewelry, antiques, and lots of fresh fruit and pastries! Mom, I can’t wait for you to come and see some of this stuff.


Anonymous said...

Katie see something good buy and i will pay you back. i would love that street. we really need to take this trip, must start working on the big guy. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Love it, can't wait to have youshow me the sights! Miss you soo much xoxoxoox
p.s. did you see hugh? hahaha

Anonymous said...

grammie just checked your blog ...loves all the sights and says you look great!

Anonymous said...

hi sweetie ... just talked to sue ... she sends her love ... i don't think she knows how to respond to blog! must be an age thing!(hope she sees this)! i love you xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I love your life!!!! I went to that antique show or whatever you call it and found some great things. I think we had to get up really early, would that be right?? Keep the fun...xoxo

Anonymous said...

o.k. its monday where are you??

Anonymous said...

Aunt Ginny, Hopefully she has found the library and that is why there are no blog posts! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

KATIE, Where are you???