Saturday, September 02, 2006

Day Two

I may be a little addicted to this blog, but that’s okay . . . lots of updates for you!!! We
just got back from a 2 ½ hour walking tour of Kensington! There is so much history in this city and it’s amazing to hear the stories. Our guide was fantastic. We walked all over and learned a lot about Queen Victoria and Albert. The monument she made him is enormous. Everything seems to be named after him: music halls, museums, apartments. She even painted all the rails black when he died to ensure that everyone was mourning his death. The monument she gave him is a true symbol of her immense love. Hyde Park is beautiful. There are flowers everywhere, swans in the pond, dogs running, and people walking all around. We saw Kensington Palace, where Princess Diana used to live, and it is covered in flowers for her anniversary. We haven’t had a bunch to eat lately, but found this sandwich shop and got a big baguette for only 2 pounds. And to top it off it was quite delicious! So I’m on my way to another tour. Lots to see!! This time it’s a bus tour. Good thing because our little legs are all a bit tired. Oh yeah … It’s raining! I’m in jeans, a long sleeve shirt, jacket, and tennis shoes. It’s a different world over here :)

Enjoy the weekend!!!

Have fun in La Jolla Mom and Dad!

Pictures: 1.) Kensington Palace, 2.) TINY car 3.) Really neat street - lots of cafes and deli's 4.) Prince Albert Monument, Kensington Gardens


Anonymous said...

You are a great tour guide! Love you, enjoy! xoxoxoox

Anonymous said...

Have you slept very much??? It seems you have not had time for rest, but you are young. Love reading your blog........Love, Aunt Lindy

lmg said...

Wow, you've learned more in 2 days than my entire trip to Europe. Casey, you should be proud. She obviously has not stopped at enough pubs with all this site seeing. Ha-ha!