Saturday, September 30, 2006

Stonehenge & Bath


Okay . . . So, we went to see the little sheep
and then I looked at what I was wearing and felt really bad
Sorry sheepy

We found a Secret Garden in Bath and it was a perfect haven.
Hayles, Britty, Kails and I sat at this little coffee hut and
drank hot chocolate in the rain. It goes down as one of
the best spots I've ever visited.

Here we are at the Roman Baths.
Can you believe people used to bathe in this water?


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see it all ... xoxox

Anonymous said...

p.s. took grammie to dinner tonight and shared your stories, she sends her love! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

wow, the secret garden is beautiful, i would love to have coffee there..