Friday, September 29, 2006

Note to Self

Taking a class that includes a 10 page paper, presentation, 100 pages of reading a night, and participation that counts for 40% of you grade is NOT a good idea while abroad. Just thought you all should know. The end. Back to my oh so stupid paper. I'll update soon.

PS. It's raining cats and dogs and I LOVE IT! It was like listening to ballerinas tapping on the roof last night! YAYYY I love London in the Fall! Looks like I'll be sending my rainbows home pretty soon :)


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was Mary Poppins! Good luck on the paper, love you xoxoxoox

Anonymous said...

rain sounds wonderful 90 here. know you will do great with the paper..

Anonymous said...

1 10 page paper sounds fair keeping in mind all the fun you are having...It just depends on the topic...Clubs in London teach extra-curricular? Babes for teachers help students learn more?

Good luck and type in tune to the rain, and before you know it you will be finished!


Anonymous said...

mk, you are too funny! xoxoxo
katie, listen to a wise woman:)

Anonymous said...

wahh you're in london cry me a river you big baby

Anonymous said...

yep, i agree with patrick! xoxoxo