Friday, October 20, 2006

The Sights of Rome

St. Peter's Basilica
We got there a little late and the line was wrapped all the way around the circle. So, we settled for a picture infront instead

Couldn't help myself... I know it's a little stalkerish to take pictures of someone from behind, but hey... we're in Rome and there are cute little nuns walking along the street... why not!

Our Hotel ... wasn't I lucky :)

My favorite part of the picture are the dressed up Romans

The Ruins


Anonymous said...

Katie, the pix of the nuns reminds me, I saw Sr. Celeste this past week and she send her best!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sights, charming Hotel!

Anonymous said...

welcome back/ boy this has been a boring week with you gone.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Irish! They beat UCLA in the last minute! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

hi katie what a wonderful trip!
can't wait for you to come home and tell me about it. i love you, as always, grammie

Anonymous said...

Nice hotel!!!! I bet that was better than the hostel. I hear you are off to Ireland next weekend. What a great way to get 20 units. So glad you are enjoying yourself...xoxox Aunt Lindy

Anonymous said...

o.k. katie ready for some about snapfish to me. Uncle Roger where are you?

Anonymous said...

How Beautiful!!! Did you shop??? Shoes, Handbags, Anything????
