Thursday, October 05, 2006


Buggie! It’s your 1st birthday today!! I can’t believe how fast you are growing. I miss you and wish I could play with you and Ry this weekend. Give my Mommy and Daddy a kiss for me okay ;) I can’t wait to see you in December!! I promise to bring back some really cool gifts!!
LOVE YOU CHARLIE!!! Happy birthday!!


Anonymous said...

we'll miss you ... will send lots of pix! xoxoxo

lmg said...

Thanks Katie! We miss you too! So far Charlie has had a very good day. I can't believe my little baby is already one! Time flies.

Anonymous said...

Katie, how come u have not sent me anymore snapfish pictures? i noticed you sent your mom some and not me. 4 more hours till dr. mcdreamy.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the pictures, and where are the updates here.. Oh, sorry forgot you have not been feeling good..

Anonymous said...

happy 21st, sweetie ... can't wait to celebrate with you next month! enjoy your day, we love you so much! xoxoxoxo

lmg said...

Happy Birthday Katie!!! Be safe and have fun on your big day. We'll be thinking about you all day. Much love from the Grace Family!!

Anonymous said...


It's Claudia Traver and I just wanted to say hello! Your mom gave me your blog site this weekend at the party (great time!) It sees like you are having a great time and doing exactly what you should be! Enjoy every second!