Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dad.... one step closer to having tea with the QUEEN!

Well I am a working woman once again!!! HOWEVER my boss nor the people I work with are as nice (or funny) as my friends at Therapak :)
I started my day like a typical Londoner as I sardined myself in the tube for about 45 minutes until I finally arrived at Bermondsey stop. I was warmly welcomed by the five employees that were in the office today and thrown into work immediately. I’m working with Lena, the president, for three weeks mostly in sales and marketing and then afterwards I will be downstairs with the events planning team. I'm pretty much intimidated as hell by Lena, but I'm sure I'll end up learning a lot from her. Today I made portfolio's (a.k.a. pretty paper with ribbon tied like a present haha), sent out their autumn newsletter, AND called everyone on the guest list for a party involving........... Prince Charles and Camilla WITH a guest performance by STING!
SERIOUSLY....... how cool is that?! Hopefully I'll get to wiggle my way into working overtime (for free of course – damn).

Anyway, it was a good first day and I got let out an hour and a half early … can’t ask for much more.


Anonymous said...

And when did you say this event is ... maybe we will have to change our travel plans! xoxo
p.s. you're right, you will never have as great a boss as T.G.:)

Anonymous said...

when can i get a job... told heather about this today she was so excited for you and wants this job also..
p.s. where are you roger????

Anonymous said...

Rubbing elbows with High Society. You are already a star in London. We are pulling for you Katie. We miss you.
