Friday, October 27, 2006

"Éirinn go Brách"

I'm off to go find the best looking leprechaun of them all :)
Enjoy the weekend everyone!! XOXO


Anonymous said...

Oh my goosh Katie that just freaked me out..Have a wonderful and safe trip..xoxo

Anonymous said...

Ireland, where all the men look like Pop:) Enjoy, love you xoxox

Anonymous said...

thats scarrrrry if they all look like pop!!!!!Katie u wont have a problem...

Anonymous said...

Ok, I've held out long enough. Katie, I've seen pictures of Sting, Prince Charles and his wife Sea Bisquit(sp). Where are all of the famous people? I guess we'll have to wait until your Mom and Dad get there to get the REAL famous people.
I hope you are well, sounds like you are. Aunt Laurie explained to me who Pop is, and I can only say that I wish I was lucky enough to have met him. I think your Uncle Roger and Pop would have hit it off.

Love ya,

Uncle Roger.

Hi Ginny!!!
Hi Lindy and Grammy!!
Of course, Hi to Casey!! XOXO