Saturday, October 14, 2006


I'm off to Italy for the week!!
I'll update when I get back on Friday or Saturday


PS. Grey's ... SO GOOD :)


Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous time, be safe ...we love you:) xoxoox

Anonymous said...

Katie, have a great time in Italy. Oh, about the 38 lbs....

I won 38 lbs. in Cabo San Lucas on vacation w/ your parents this summer. It's really nothing to brag about. Wait a minute, I GAINED 38 pounds, your were talking about the currency. My bad.

Love ya,

Uncle Roger

P.S Hi Casey, tell Jim hello.

And Hi Ginny, tell the "big guy" hi too.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you are too funny! I am putting you in charge of planning another vacation ... why should the kids have all the fun?!
your favorite sister-in-law xoxox

Anonymous said...

Have a great time Katie. HI Roger

Anonymous said...

p.s. yes, gray's was great can you believe she let the vet go? i was hoping he would be the one.

Anonymous said...

thanks for calling ... we love you:) xoxoxoox

lmg said...

Say hi to the "Bachelor" when you're there! ha-ha

Anonymous said...

Hey, I thought I was Roger's favorite sister-in-law!!! What's the deal Casey???? Katie - I hear you are through with wine!!! The same thing happened to me in Italy or France, somewhere over there. But, I am back to abusing myself. Keep having fun and sharing it with all of us.....Love, from your favorite aunt!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie! I can't tell you how many times I've said I'm thru with wine.The truth is, I love wine. Have a terrific time in Italy. Love,Your favorite Aunt Laurie... or as Big Rog calls me; Lola

Anonymous said...

This blog could get one in trouble! xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

I think we all need our own Blog. Katie's gone for a week and there are more hits on this than when she's here.
Katie's favorite Aunt and Uncle will be sailing the high seas this weekend to "glorious" Ensenada. MMMMM....Lemon Drops!!!

Hugs and kisses to all of my favorite in-laws and my favorite in-laws sister(that's you Ginny)

Uncle Roger (Oh, hi Katie)

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage, Uncle Roger and Lola!
Have a great time! xoxox
p.s. leaving out of long beach? not visiting your favorite in-laws?? hmmmm xoxo

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage, Uncle Roger and Lola!
Have a great time! xoxox
p.s. leaving out of long beach? not visiting your favorite in-laws?? hmmmm xoxo

Anonymous said...

have a geat trip roger and laurie wish i was going.. I think you should stop by when you get home remember pizza and beer. your favorite in-laws sister.. oh yeah! hi Katie can't wait to hear about your trip...