Thursday, October 12, 2006


Okay numero unooooooo.... take a look at the meds. see those. they're real nice. night nurse tickles my fancy right now. cold and flu relief helps at about 4 in the morning. chesty cough and all in one are complete shit nad chesty cough relief is nice during the day. seeeee you really don't want to hear about that.. do you? I'm boring and sick. I had a really cool doctor come to my room on Sunday and I'll be done with my pills on Saturday. neato.

secondddddly... see those lap tops and the nice little eye patches (thank you Virgin Atlantic) ..... it's finals week here and the three of us like to talk and not write papers. AKA we're not getting anything done. But it's back to good old Henry VIII - actually no, it's Mary I and Elizabeth right now. Anyone want to finish for me. I'm on page 2 and have at least 3 more to go. Bugger.

ps. i fully understand that i am the biggest dork in the world. and im okay with that.


Anonymous said...

you're my little dork, and i love you! now, get back to the books! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

was he a cute as mcdreamy????know you will get those last pages done with no problem...

Anonymous said...

dont worry about school....just get drunk for me bc i have no beer lesson

- Tater-Salad

Katie said...
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Mark In Sugar Hill said...

hi eye masks. we got the same ones on VA when we came over. looks like you are having way too much fun over here. hope you feel better soon and we can meet up...if you have time in your busy schedule...LOL. :)