Monday, December 11, 2006


Those were some ridiculously yummy pancakes. We've been talking about going to this little Danish pancake place since we got here in September, but never got around to it. Finally, we made a list for our last days and that was on our top 10. You could basically choose ANYTHING to put on these, but we decided to keep it simple. A good old fashion maple syrup and butter pancake is the perfect cure to a wonderful Saturday night :)


Anonymous said...

wow ... better than the "eggos" we serve! xoxoxo 5DAYS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

good luck on your final today!
4 more days!!!!

Anonymous said...

YUMMY......Just a few more days...what are we all going to do without the blog...Roger I will have to give you my e-mail just to say hi once in a while...See you soon Katie...

Anonymous said...

5 days until Katie's home. Thank God!! The rumor mill on this thing is getting out of hand. Laurie and I stay up past 8:30 pm one night and all hell breaks loose. (God, I love that spa). Anyway, Ginny send me your email!

Where can I get some of those pancakes??

We miss you Katie, how long will you be in L.A.?

Anonymous said...

Roger ... you are not only in charge of the spring vacation, but you are now in charge of setting up a BLOG for us old bloggers! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

katie ... when do classes start? we need to plan a blogger party before you go back?!
p.s. 3 more days!!!!

Katie said...

classes start on the 8th.... i go back to school on 4th or 5th.

Anonymous said...

Katie are you packed yet???Can't wait to see you this weekend..Spring vacation I want in on this one toooooo. Roger, my e-mail What am I going to do with my days now? Hugs to all