Friday, December 15, 2006

Chip chip CHEERIO!

Thank you everyone for all the posts throughout these past months. They have truly made my day everytime I look. AND it looks like you all had fun too :) Can't wait to see you soon!

Here's a final CHEERS from London,


Anonymous said...

Katie, I must say that your blog was the first thing I looked at on the computer each day. You have been a breath of fresh air and your updates have been both informative and entertaining. Wow, I feel like I'm writing a book review. It's been a fun 3 months for all of us on this side of the pond. I look forward to seeing you!

Love you,

Uncle Roger

Anonymous said...

Safe trip, sweetie .... we can't wait to see you! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

P.S. Call before you get on the plane xoxoxxo

Anonymous said...

Happy to report the princess is home ... Yahoo! Bloggers, e-mail me ... I'm going to miss you :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Katie..I am right there with Uncle Roger this is the first thing I looked at also. Well I think I will call the house now and see if you are up..Roger keep e-mailing me...Hope to see you and Laurie during the Holidays.

Anonymous said...

I want to get in on this and say goodbye to everyone. Thanks Katie for keeping us all informed. I will miss all the comments. Can't wait to see the Princess. Princess- get your beauty sleep. Love, Aunt Lindy