Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Land of Shakespeare

Stratford upon Avon is the prettiest place on the planet. It's the home to 23,000 people right now, but most famously Shakespeare. I can’t believe how beautiful and serene this place is. There are houses built before the time Columbus set sail to America and so much history all over. Trees are swaying in the wind, geese walking about, and grandparents are playing with their little grandchildren feeding the ducks and swans in the river. We had a long day, but saw some beautiful sites and a play, Taming of the Shrew. For the most part I didn’t understand one bit of the play. AND they did a traditional play with all male actors. It was a little odd watching a man with a hairy chest in a wedding dress hehe. Oh well…. Let’s call it an educational experience ;)

ps. more pictures to come on this one

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Educational experience ... good one katie, that's why you're there! xoxo