Saturday, August 19, 2006


Dear Family and Friends,
As I am anxiously getting ready to leave for London I decided to copy Lori and create a blog of my own! It certainly won't be as cute as the little girl's, but at least you will be able to see what I'm doing and keep in touch. I am going to miss you all very much, so make sure to update me on everything happening in your lives!!

Cheers!!! See you in December!!!!



Anonymous said...

Have fun, don't forget to STUDY! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Katie - It sounds like you are fitting right into your new home for the next few months. I wish I went on a semester abroad when I was young. I will have to live through your experience. Make a good one.......Love Lindy

Anonymous said...

Katie have fun. And we will see you in Dec... XOXO Ginny